Brian Wherry
[email protected]
Brian Wherry is the owner of Ease My Pain PC Repair which specializes in providing IT services to small businesses from 1 to 40 employees. Brian’s experience in IT has spanned over two decades. Brian is a native of Colorado and has been married for 27 years and has 3 children. The mission of Ease My Pain is to serve your business in a manner you have not experienced in the tech world to date. When it comes to technology, people today rely on it more than ever. Technology connects us to our work, is critical to running our businesses, connects us to our friends and family – even our future. But when the technology we depend on fails us or we simply need help, getting reliable assistance can be challenging and frustrating. In fact, a computer support survey revealed that, “48 percent (of respondents) said they would rather help a friend move then deal with a computer problem.” In today’s fast paced and high-tech world, everybody needs a “computer guy. We want to “ease your pain” and, eliminate your headaches regarding “tech stuff”. Please visit my website to find out more.